Court-Martial Streamlined Within Service Law

Court-Martial Streamlined Within Service Law

There are many fascinating areas of the law in the UK – all clearly defined within it’s own jurisdictional code and yet essential as a whole to provide a law for every circumstance.  Take Military law – the history behing the current system is that English soldiers for hundreds of years were governed by High Constable and Earl Marshal which eventuaslly in 1521 became known at Court of te Marshal and gradually that, in Cromwell’s time in 1666the Judge Advocate General position was created to supervise “Courts-Martial”.   This area of the law has remained in continuity since, expanding to cover the whole of Britain, and the other military forces, not just army.  From a historical point of view the Judge Advocate General duties were extremely wide and handled both prosecution and defence arrangements as well as the actual court hearing.  Since 1948 the role has concentrated on the Court-martial and various Acts have now gradually subsumed into JAG.  The Armed Forces Act of 2006 swept away the separate service discipline acts of 1955/57, establishing a single Service law thus creating Court-Marial as a standing court, taking effect 31 October 2009

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