Author: Natasha Khan
Jumping Through Schooling Hoops To Get that Law Career
There are many careers out in the big wide world. Young folk entering upper school who want to be a solicitor or barrister, or even a court judge, will need to have a pretty good idea of how to go about it before they select their subject route. They will need to choose the right […]
So Many Different Legal Roles Within Corporations & Institutions
There are many different legal jobs out there these days. They do not all require full solicitor training but the majority of the very well paid permanent placements do need higher level for counsel training contract. To give an idea, the basic pay in London for that description is £100-£140K with bonus and benfits package […]
Prenups Are Not All Powerful Bargaining Chips
In the celebrity press, all those magazines and publications that follow all the luvvies of the world, there is much talk about ‘pre-nups’ amid talks of marriage between someone or other. There have been such agreements between top brass families for centuries but it is a modern phenonamon in the glitzy world. It has to […]
Taking Up Training To Be A Legal Secretary
There are a few ways to get into law and the legal professsion. Not everyone wants to be or is suited to being a solicitor or barrister. The post of legal secretary is very important within a set of chambers. Legal secretaries take foundation and advanced training courses through their own institute which is rcognised […]
Secretarial Discretion & Discretion Paramount
There are many jobs within the legal profession in the UK. The more glamorous as lawyers and barristers of course show the profession as one that the world in general accept as some of the best examples in the world. For every one of those jobs come several additional tasks that have to be carried […]
Benefits Of Taking Commercial Bar For Career
A commercial barrister is a specialist lawyer who deals with very complex legal disputes and often will be responsible for presenting the arguments in court. They specialise in legal issues surrounding the broad field of business and finance, often attracting very vigorous activity on both sides. Choosing a career as a commercial barrister requires a […]
New Head Of Courts & Country – King Reigns
After the passing of our beloved sovereign and her wonderful funeral, all the administrative changes are having to take place with respect to the court sessions and titles of some of the key players. I was looking at the newest judicial information page on their official website yesterday and of course, what used to be […]
Happy Memories of Best Law Based Job
There are many different careers in law in the UK. Anyone who would like to work within the judicial system can become a solicitor, barrister, judge or magistrate. In the administrative sector, the job of legal secretary has always been among my top 3 choices. One that doesn’t get any press but is just […]
Sitting Down To Thrash Out A Settlement
There are always plenty of cases going through the courts at any one time in this country. There are many stages in a case before it comes before a judge. Often in the early stages, it will be suggestd that some negotiation between the parties might bring about a sensible outcome without the need to […]
How Busy Clerks to Chambers Still Entertains
There are so many careers that can be adopted in the UK legal system. Not everyone in a courtroom or tribunal room will have had legal training, in fact a surprising few of the officials will have. Some of the barristers are very well to do and have fleets of minions to do their running […]