Category: Jobs

  • Legal Changes Bring Challenges to Society

    Legal Changes Bring Challenges to Society

    There is much change around the corner for our legal system if we do finally break from the EU. Our lawyers and barristers, Judges and juries may need to take new directions. For many of the last forty odd years we have adhered to the Eruopean courts and everything in our domestic legal system is […]

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  • Being Royal  – A Job Above The Rest

    Being Royal – A Job Above The Rest

    There are many stories floating about at the moment – mostly gossipy celebrity stuff. The royal family, especially the younger set, do provide a truly awe inspring record of the visits and public service they carry out. They do try to always do the right thing and turn up for public shows and openings, wearing […]

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  • Pre Unuvesity Preparation Still Essential

    Pre Unuvesity Preparation Still Essential

    There are lots of families in my immediate area – most of the children go to the clutch of state schools within a mix of catchment areas.  There are also some fine independent schools dotted around, apparently affordable so not in the same league as the Eton, Harrows, Marlborough Colleges, but still a step up.  […]

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  • Looking Back To Less Crime Ridden Days Of Yore

    Looking Back To Less Crime Ridden Days Of Yore

    Those of a certain age, constantly look back over life, recalling how we remember our younger days. This often rose tinted self indulgence, we see what believe to be a more honest, harder working world. It’s certainly true that younger folk were more polite to their elders – no disrespect towards teachers or authority, on […]

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  • Getting The Right Branch Of Legal Assistance

    Getting The Right Branch Of Legal Assistance

    In the legal profession there are many and varied careers – not all of them are obvious to start off with. When you first start off, at university, you might be on one degree course and then suddenly want to swap over and take law – it is a truly monumental subject and you won’t […]

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  • Following The Legal Ins & Outs Of A Crims Case

    Following The Legal Ins & Outs Of A Crims Case

    There are programmes on all kinds of subjects these days – I don’t mean the usual soap opera or reality tv stuff. It is true that I like one or two police dramas – but mostly the lighter hearted ones without any obvious gory violence. I prefer to know they’re investigating something that happened but […]

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  • From Ordinary PA to Super Smart Secretary

    From Ordinary PA to Super Smart Secretary

    When you work in a particular sector of industry or services, it can be quite easy to start picking up the language without even noticing. I had connections with a lady who worked for several years as private personal secretary to the judiciary – she was already an excellent PA and had worked in sales […]

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  • Knowing Which Branch Of The Law To Follow

    Knowing Which Branch Of The Law To Follow

    Choosing the right career is one of the most difficult things to imagine doing when you’re still at school and not really sure about what each person does in a particular field.  I do know a couple of youngsters who have lawyers as both parents.  Inevitably there is an expectation that the two likely lads […]

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  • Todays Prosecutions So Much Fairer Than Days Of Yore

    Todays Prosecutions So Much Fairer Than Days Of Yore

    We do tend to treat prisoners and felons in a much better way now than centuries ago.  I was watching a documentary the other night about how we used to pack ‘criminals’ off to Australia and other far flung spots for the most most rediculous things.   There were no lawyers to represent the poor man […]

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  • Hopping From History Buff To Legal Eagle

    Hopping From History Buff To Legal Eagle

    When someone starts out at university, they have ideas of what they want to achieve once they get that much desired degree.  More often than not though they only have the vaguest notion of what to do next.  The world of work becomes a reality and it’s not always easy to find employment that actually […]

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